Command) /b [Name of Coin] [Amount to Transfer]

❗️Transferable Coins: sol, xsol

What is xsol?

Xsol is a SOL-derived token made by 🎈BalloonBot that has a value of 1/10000 of 1 sol. 1 xsol is 0.0001 sol, and 1 sol is 10000 xsol.


How to Use

  1. Select your recipient

    Click Reply Message (double click or Long click ) on the recipient of the transfer

  2. Type message

    Type /b [Name of Coin] [Amount to Transfer] in the message

    0.01 Solana being transferred

    0.01 Solana being transferred

    100 x-solana being transferred

    100 x-solana being transferred

  3. Check your transfer

    Check if your solana coins have been transferred to the recipient.

    Click Check Transaction to check if your transaction was successfully executed.

    Result of Sol transaction

    Result of Sol transaction

    Result of xSol transaction

    Result of xSol transaction

    Result of checking transaction in

    Result of checking transaction in

    Result of a failed transaction

    Result of a failed transaction